The fourth Girls of Steel Preseason Meeting on October 25th (or the fifth if you count the New Girl Orientation Meeting) went spectacular! The girls came back ready to work! We started off with our weekly All Hands Meeting, where we went over our agenda for the day and our team goals and principles. We went over some reminders and upcoming outreach events, as usual. We were also told that we have completed more than 10% of our outreach goal already – we’ve interacted with more than 500 people since the start of the preseason! Then, Emilia read the thank you letter that she wrote for the White House Frontiers Conference, and it was passed around for all of the girls to sign. After that, we were told about our next team bonding activity, which is a self defense class. Lastly, Mikayla informed us about the TIG Welding Team, and we were dismissed to business time.
During business time, the girls went about with their usual tasks. The Sarris Candy fliers for the holiday fundraiser were handed out and the girls officially started their first fundraiser! We hope to break records. In media, the girls filmed the weekly video, wrote the blog post (here it is!), and one very courageous girl started organizing the Dropbox files. At outreach, the girls partnered up, made presentations on topics that they were assigned, and they presented. At finance, the girls came up with specific fundraisers to do and ways to give back to the community.
The junior members finished two chassis and set up the phones so they could test their robots on the Velocity Vortex field. Here’s a short video of their robots. Now they are ready for the Pittsburgh Area Drive It! Workshop that we are hosting on Sunday, October 30th, at the practice field. That’s the day after hosting the Halloween Scrimmage for FLL. Boy do we have a busy weekend ahead of us.
Thanks to everyone for working efficiently, once again!