Time flies when you are incredibly busy! It is week three and we are halfway through build season, can you believe it? We can’t either, there is still a lot of work left to be done but we are making headway! This week we had a huge success and were able to see our robot performing in real time. We are thrilled to say that we are meeting our week 3 goals and mostly on schedule other than a few hiccups.
This week we picked drive team roles. Also, we came up with a rough draft for the scouting form which will be used in competition and we discussed strategies for competition. We did not have a robot at the drive team meeting so we were unable to test anything on the robot at the field. We also talked about our control system for what the operator and driver will be using during a match.
The junior members continued making progress on testing new ideas on their 2nd robot, called “the twin,” and they have been working on autonomous programming for the competition robot, Dori.
Plus, here is the 5awesomerobots video of week 3: https://youtu.be/ALT5DAw-YCk